APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, March 21, 2023 2. Budget Work Session, March 27, 2023 3. Special Meeting & Budget Work Session, March 31, 2023
RESOLUTIONS (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 35:23 – Approval of Building Department Fee Schedule 2. 36:23 – Authorization to Execute Intermunicipal Agreement Contract Amendment withWestchester County 3. 37:23 – Authorization to Execute Application for Drug Free Communities Grant 4. 38:23 – Earth Day Proclamation 5. 39:23 – Arbor Day Proclamation 6. 40:23 – Proclamation Designating April as “Native Plant Month” in the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson
VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Telecommunications Contracts 2. Update on Chemka Pool Restoration Project and Sidewalk 3. Update on Uniontown Park 4. Updates on Various Village Projects and Operations
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Update on Governor’s Budget and Housing Compact 2. Celebrating Earth Month 3. CPU & LWRP Survey 4. Restorative Justice 5. Upcoming Events
XII. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Wed. Apr. 5 – CPU & LWRP Committee Meeting 7:00 PM, James Harmon Community Center 2. Tues. Apr. 11 – Conservation Commission Meeting , 7:00 PM, Village Hall Conference Room 3. Thurs. Apr. 13 – Affordable Housing Committee Meeting , 7:30 PM, James HarmonCommunity Center 4. Thurs. Apr. 13 – Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting , 8 ;00 PM, Hosted via Zoom 5. Tues. Apr. 18 – Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, 7:00 PM, Village Hall Meeting Room XIII. ADJOURNMENT
APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, March 21, 2023 2. Budget Work Session, March 27, 2023 3. Special Meeting & Budget Work Session, March 31, 2023
RESOLUTIONS (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 35:23 – Approval of Building Department Fee Schedule 2. 36:23 – Authorization to Execute Intermunicipal Agreement Contract Amendment withWestchester County 3. 37:23 – Authorization to Execute Application for Drug Free Communities Grant 4. 38:23 – Earth Day Proclamation 5. 39:23 – Arbor Day Proclamation 6. 40:23 – Proclamation Designating April as “Native Plant Month” in the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson
VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Telecommunications Contracts 2. Update on Chemka Pool Restoration Project and Sidewalk 3. Update on Uniontown Park 4. Updates on Various Village Projects and Operations
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Update on Governor’s Budget and Housing Compact 2. Celebrating Earth Month 3. CPU & LWRP Survey 4. Restorative Justice 5. Upcoming Events
XII. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Wed. Apr. 5 – CPU & LWRP Committee Meeting 7:00 PM, James Harmon Community Center 2. Tues. Apr. 11 – Conservation Commission Meeting , 7:00 PM, Village Hall Conference Room 3. Thurs. Apr. 13 – Affordable Housing Committee Meeting , 7:30 PM, James HarmonCommunity Center 4. Thurs. Apr. 13 – Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting , 8 ;00 PM, Hosted via Zoom 5. Tues. Apr. 18 – Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, 7:00 PM, Village Hall Meeting Room XIII. ADJOURNMENT