IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law D of 2017, December 5, 2017 2. Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, December 5, 2017 VI. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS
RESOLUTIONS 1. 91:17 — Budgetary Transfers 2. 92:17 - Approval of Purchase - Police Vehicle 3. 93:17 - Resolution in Support of Immediate State Agency Rule-Making for Tanker-Avoidance
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Tax reform impact: what the Village government can do and what residents can do 2. Deer hunting in parks: what the law says and next steps 3. Waterfront Rezoning Committee - next steps 4. Revised terms of reference for energy working group
XI. ANNOUNCEMENTS Thursday, December 21 - Safety Council, Transportation Working Group, and Engineering Consultants Meeting 7:00 PM Community Center Thursday, December 21 - Planning Board 8:15 PM Village Hall Meeting Room Friday, December 22 - Village Offices Closed at 12:00 PM Monday, December 25 - Village Office Closed in Observance of Christmas Day Monday's Garbage will be picked up on Tuesday, December 26 Tuesday's Garbage will be picked up on Wednesday, December 27 Friday December 29 - Village Offices Closed at 12:00 PM Monday, January 1 - Village Offices Closed in Observance of New Year's Day Monday's Garbage will be picked up on Tuesday, January 2 Tuesday's Garbage will be picked up on Wednesday, January 3 Tuesday, January 2 - Village Board of Trustees 7:30 PM Village Hall Meeting Room XII. ADJOURNMENT
IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law D of 2017, December 5, 2017 2. Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, December 5, 2017 VI. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS
RESOLUTIONS 1. 91:17 — Budgetary Transfers 2. 92:17 - Approval of Purchase - Police Vehicle 3. 93:17 - Resolution in Support of Immediate State Agency Rule-Making for Tanker-Avoidance
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Tax reform impact: what the Village government can do and what residents can do 2. Deer hunting in parks: what the law says and next steps 3. Waterfront Rezoning Committee - next steps 4. Revised terms of reference for energy working group
XI. ANNOUNCEMENTS Thursday, December 21 - Safety Council, Transportation Working Group, and Engineering Consultants Meeting 7:00 PM Community Center Thursday, December 21 - Planning Board 8:15 PM Village Hall Meeting Room Friday, December 22 - Village Offices Closed at 12:00 PM Monday, December 25 - Village Office Closed in Observance of Christmas Day Monday's Garbage will be picked up on Tuesday, December 26 Tuesday's Garbage will be picked up on Wednesday, December 27 Friday December 29 - Village Offices Closed at 12:00 PM Monday, January 1 - Village Offices Closed in Observance of New Year's Day Monday's Garbage will be picked up on Tuesday, January 2 Tuesday's Garbage will be picked up on Wednesday, January 3 Tuesday, January 2 - Village Board of Trustees 7:30 PM Village Hall Meeting Room XII. ADJOURNMENT