IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1.Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, June 5, 2018 V. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS
RESOLUTIONS (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 45:18 – Standard Workday for Employees 2. 46:18 – Acknowledgement of Audit of Village Justice Court
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Naming of Uniontown Little League Field 2. Continue Lime Bike Discussion 3. Downtown Revitalization 4. Zoning Amendments
X. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Thursday, June 28 – Zoning Board of Appeals 8:00 PM Village Hall Meeting Room 2. Monday, July 2 – Architectural Review Board 8:00 PM Village Hall Meeting Room 3. Monday, July 2 - 1st half village property tax for 2018-19 due 3. Wednesday, July 4 – Village Offices Closed in Observance of Independence Day 4. Tuesday, July 10 – Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 7:30 PM Village Hall Meeting Room XI. ADJOURNMENT
IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1.Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, June 5, 2018 V. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS
RESOLUTIONS (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 45:18 – Standard Workday for Employees 2. 46:18 – Acknowledgement of Audit of Village Justice Court
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Naming of Uniontown Little League Field 2. Continue Lime Bike Discussion 3. Downtown Revitalization 4. Zoning Amendments
X. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Thursday, June 28 – Zoning Board of Appeals 8:00 PM Village Hall Meeting Room 2. Monday, July 2 – Architectural Review Board 8:00 PM Village Hall Meeting Room 3. Monday, July 2 - 1st half village property tax for 2018-19 due 3. Wednesday, July 4 – Village Offices Closed in Observance of Independence Day 4. Tuesday, July 10 – Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 7:30 PM Village Hall Meeting Room XI. ADJOURNMENT