PUBLIC HEARING #1 on PROPOSED LOCAL LAW G OF 2018 A LOCAL LAW Amending Chapter 282 Vehicles and Traffic of the Code of the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson, Section 282-27 Handicapped Parking, to remove a handicapped parking space at Marble Terrace and add a handicapped parking space in front of 1 Pearl Street. TIME: 7:30 PM OR SOON THEREAFTER PLACE: Municipal Building, 7 Maple Avenue I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. AGENDA: 1. Adjourn due to notice error. IV. ADJOURN HEARING
CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING on PROPOSED LOCAL LAW F OF 2018 A LOCAL LAW Amending Chapter 282, Vehicles and Traffic, of the Code of the Village of Hastings-on- Hudson, Section 282-12, Prohibition of left turns, to add new subsections limiting left turns onto and in the vicinity of James Street TIME: SOON THEREAFTER THE END OF PUBLIC HEARING #1 PLACE: Municipal Building, 7 Maple Avenue I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. AGENDA: 1. To consider Proposed Local Law F of 2018: A LOCAL LAW Amending Chapter 282, Vehicles and Traffic, of the Code of the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson, Section 282-12, Prohibition of left turns, to add new subsections limiting left turns onto and in the vicinity of James Street IV. CLOSE OF HEARING
IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, November 6, 2018 V. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS
RESOLUTIONS (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 77:18 – Participation in County Waste District IMA Process
X. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Thursday, November 22 & Friday. November 23 – Village Offices Closed in Observance of Thanksgiving DPW Closed on Thursday, November 22 - OPEN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 THURSDAY'S PAPER RECYCLING WILL BE PICKED UP ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 FRIDAY'S COMMINGLING RECYCLING WILL BE PICKED UP ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 2. Monday, December 3 – Architectural Review Board 8:00 PM Village Hall Conference Roo m 3. Tuesday, December 4 – Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 7:30 PM Village Hall Meeting Room 4. Thursday, December 6 – Zoning Board of Appeals 8:00 PM Village Hall Meeting Room XI. ADJOURNMENT
PUBLIC HEARING #1 on PROPOSED LOCAL LAW G OF 2018 A LOCAL LAW Amending Chapter 282 Vehicles and Traffic of the Code of the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson, Section 282-27 Handicapped Parking, to remove a handicapped parking space at Marble Terrace and add a handicapped parking space in front of 1 Pearl Street. TIME: 7:30 PM OR SOON THEREAFTER PLACE: Municipal Building, 7 Maple Avenue I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. AGENDA: 1. Adjourn due to notice error. IV. ADJOURN HEARING
CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING on PROPOSED LOCAL LAW F OF 2018 A LOCAL LAW Amending Chapter 282, Vehicles and Traffic, of the Code of the Village of Hastings-on- Hudson, Section 282-12, Prohibition of left turns, to add new subsections limiting left turns onto and in the vicinity of James Street TIME: SOON THEREAFTER THE END OF PUBLIC HEARING #1 PLACE: Municipal Building, 7 Maple Avenue I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. AGENDA: 1. To consider Proposed Local Law F of 2018: A LOCAL LAW Amending Chapter 282, Vehicles and Traffic, of the Code of the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson, Section 282-12, Prohibition of left turns, to add new subsections limiting left turns onto and in the vicinity of James Street IV. CLOSE OF HEARING
IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, November 6, 2018 V. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS
RESOLUTIONS (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 77:18 – Participation in County Waste District IMA Process
X. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Thursday, November 22 & Friday. November 23 – Village Offices Closed in Observance of Thanksgiving DPW Closed on Thursday, November 22 - OPEN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 THURSDAY'S PAPER RECYCLING WILL BE PICKED UP ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 FRIDAY'S COMMINGLING RECYCLING WILL BE PICKED UP ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 2. Monday, December 3 – Architectural Review Board 8:00 PM Village Hall Conference Roo m 3. Tuesday, December 4 – Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 7:30 PM Village Hall Meeting Room 4. Thursday, December 6 – Zoning Board of Appeals 8:00 PM Village Hall Meeting Room XI. ADJOURNMENT