I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. AGENDA: 1. Proof of Publication: The Rivertowns Enterprise - November 8, 2019 2. To consider Proposed Local Law N of 2019: A LOCAL LAW Amending Chapter 282 Vehicles and Traffic, Article IX Parking, Standing and Stopping to add new Section 282-27.2 regulating idling of motor vehicles. IV. CLOSE OF HEARING
APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law L of 2019, October 1, 2019 2. Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, October 1, 2019 3. Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, November 5, 2019
RESOLUTIONS (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 95:19 – Small Business Saturday Parking 2. 96:19 – Appropriation of Capital Reserves for Community Center Work 3. 97:19 – Authorize Village Manager to Sign Contract with StreetLight Data
VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Quarry Park 2. Chemka Spray Pool 3. Personnel 4. WMOA Dinner 5. DPW Update
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Safe Routes to School 2. Hillside Woods 3. Comprehensive Plan Update Committee 4. Upcoming Village Events (http://Hastingsgov.org/upcomingevents)
XII. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Tues. Nov. 19 Climate Smart Communities 6:00 PM Village Hall Conference Room 2. Thurs Nov. 21: Safety Council 7:00 PM Village Hall Conference Room 3. Thurs. Nov. 21: Planning Board 8:15 PM Village Hall Meeting Room 4. Thurs. Nov. 28 & Fri. Nov. 29: Village Offices Closed/Library in Observance of Thanksgiving No Recycling Thursday Nov 28 Thursdays Paper recycling will be on Wednesday, Nov 27 Fridays Commingles recycling will be remain on Friday, Nov 29 DPW Open 5. Mon. Dec. 2: Architectural Review Board 8:00 PM Village Hall Conference Room 6. Tues. Dec. 3 Climate Smart Communities 6:00 PM Village Hall Conference Room 7. Tues. Dec. 3: Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 7:30 PM Village Hall Meeting Room XIIL. ADJOURNMENT
I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. AGENDA: 1. Proof of Publication: The Rivertowns Enterprise - November 8, 2019 2. To consider Proposed Local Law N of 2019: A LOCAL LAW Amending Chapter 282 Vehicles and Traffic, Article IX Parking, Standing and Stopping to add new Section 282-27.2 regulating idling of motor vehicles. IV. CLOSE OF HEARING
APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law L of 2019, October 1, 2019 2. Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, October 1, 2019 3. Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, November 5, 2019
RESOLUTIONS (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 95:19 – Small Business Saturday Parking 2. 96:19 – Appropriation of Capital Reserves for Community Center Work 3. 97:19 – Authorize Village Manager to Sign Contract with StreetLight Data
VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Quarry Park 2. Chemka Spray Pool 3. Personnel 4. WMOA Dinner 5. DPW Update
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Safe Routes to School 2. Hillside Woods 3. Comprehensive Plan Update Committee 4. Upcoming Village Events (http://Hastingsgov.org/upcomingevents)
XII. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Tues. Nov. 19 Climate Smart Communities 6:00 PM Village Hall Conference Room 2. Thurs Nov. 21: Safety Council 7:00 PM Village Hall Conference Room 3. Thurs. Nov. 21: Planning Board 8:15 PM Village Hall Meeting Room 4. Thurs. Nov. 28 & Fri. Nov. 29: Village Offices Closed/Library in Observance of Thanksgiving No Recycling Thursday Nov 28 Thursdays Paper recycling will be on Wednesday, Nov 27 Fridays Commingles recycling will be remain on Friday, Nov 29 DPW Open 5. Mon. Dec. 2: Architectural Review Board 8:00 PM Village Hall Conference Room 6. Tues. Dec. 3 Climate Smart Communities 6:00 PM Village Hall Conference Room 7. Tues. Dec. 3: Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 7:30 PM Village Hall Meeting Room XIIL. ADJOURNMENT