APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law G of 2020, June 16, 2020 2. Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law H of 2020, June 16, 2020 3. Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, June 16, 2020 4. Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees, June 18, 2020 5. Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees, June 29, 2020 6. Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees, July 2, 2020
PRESENTATION 1. Jasmine Graham, Westchester Power: Program Performance and Upcoming Renewal
RESOLUTIONS (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 68:20 – Adoption of Diversity Policy 2. 69:20 – Award of Bid for Cliff Street Retaining Wall 3.70:20 – Authorization for Village Manager to Sign Temporary Easement Agreement for Cliff Street Retaining Wall 4. 71:20 – Authorization for Village Manager to Accept Settlement for Damages to Cliff Street Retaining Wall 5. 72:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $31,000 Bonds to Pay for the Cost of the Acquisition and Installation of License Plate Readers for the Use of the Police Department 6. 73:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $673,000 Bonds to Pay for the Cost of the Purchase of a Rescue Vehicle and Apparatus for use by the Fire Department in Fighting Fires 7. 74:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $30,000 Bonds to Pay for the Cost of the Purchase of a Bail Out Harness System for use by the Fire Department in Fighting Fires 8. 75:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $273,000 Bonds to Pay for the Cost of the Construction of Improvements to, or the Partial Reconstruction of Various Village-Owned Buildings, Including Building Systems Improvements 9. 76:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $10,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of Improvements to Various Village-Owned Parking Areas 10. 77:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $200,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of the Resurfacing of Various Village Roadways 11. 78:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $48,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of the Acquisition of an Excavator Vehicle for Use by the Department of Public Works 12. 79:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $250,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of the Construction or Reconstruction of Various Village Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters, Including Incidental Streetscape or Other Improvements 13. 80:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $265,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of the Acquisition of a Sanitation Vehicle for Use by the Department of Public Works 14. 81:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $70,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of Improvements to Various Village-Owned Parks or Recreation Areas 15. 82:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $50,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of the Acquisition and Installation of a Generator at the Site of the Riverview Manor Fire House at 83 Euclid Avenue 16. 83:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $54,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of the Purchase of Passenger Vehicles for Use by the Police Department
VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Summer Board Meeting Schedule 2. Draft Resolution in Support of Billing for Ambulance Service 3. Updates on Various Village Projects and Operations
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Downtown Update 2. Potential Grants 3. CSC Silver Submission 4. Covid-19 Update 5. Census Update 6. Upcoming Events
XII. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Thurs. July 16 – Planning Board 8:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 2. Thurs. July 23 – Zoning Board of Appeals 8:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 3. Mon. August 3 – Architectural Review Board 8:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 4. Tues. August 4 – Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 6:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM XIII. ADJOURNMENT
APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law G of 2020, June 16, 2020 2. Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law H of 2020, June 16, 2020 3. Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, June 16, 2020 4. Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees, June 18, 2020 5. Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees, June 29, 2020 6. Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees, July 2, 2020
PRESENTATION 1. Jasmine Graham, Westchester Power: Program Performance and Upcoming Renewal
RESOLUTIONS (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 68:20 – Adoption of Diversity Policy 2. 69:20 – Award of Bid for Cliff Street Retaining Wall 3.70:20 – Authorization for Village Manager to Sign Temporary Easement Agreement for Cliff Street Retaining Wall 4. 71:20 – Authorization for Village Manager to Accept Settlement for Damages to Cliff Street Retaining Wall 5. 72:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $31,000 Bonds to Pay for the Cost of the Acquisition and Installation of License Plate Readers for the Use of the Police Department 6. 73:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $673,000 Bonds to Pay for the Cost of the Purchase of a Rescue Vehicle and Apparatus for use by the Fire Department in Fighting Fires 7. 74:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $30,000 Bonds to Pay for the Cost of the Purchase of a Bail Out Harness System for use by the Fire Department in Fighting Fires 8. 75:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $273,000 Bonds to Pay for the Cost of the Construction of Improvements to, or the Partial Reconstruction of Various Village-Owned Buildings, Including Building Systems Improvements 9. 76:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $10,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of Improvements to Various Village-Owned Parking Areas 10. 77:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $200,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of the Resurfacing of Various Village Roadways 11. 78:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $48,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of the Acquisition of an Excavator Vehicle for Use by the Department of Public Works 12. 79:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $250,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of the Construction or Reconstruction of Various Village Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters, Including Incidental Streetscape or Other Improvements 13. 80:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $265,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of the Acquisition of a Sanitation Vehicle for Use by the Department of Public Works 14. 81:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $70,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of Improvements to Various Village-Owned Parks or Recreation Areas 15. 82:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $50,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of the Acquisition and Installation of a Generator at the Site of the Riverview Manor Fire House at 83 Euclid Avenue 16. 83:20 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $54,000 Bonds to Pay the Cost of the Purchase of Passenger Vehicles for Use by the Police Department
VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Summer Board Meeting Schedule 2. Draft Resolution in Support of Billing for Ambulance Service 3. Updates on Various Village Projects and Operations
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Downtown Update 2. Potential Grants 3. CSC Silver Submission 4. Covid-19 Update 5. Census Update 6. Upcoming Events
XII. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Thurs. July 16 – Planning Board 8:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 2. Thurs. July 23 – Zoning Board of Appeals 8:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 3. Mon. August 3 – Architectural Review Board 8:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 4. Tues. August 4 – Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 6:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM XIII. ADJOURNMENT