PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW G OF 2021 1. A LOCAL LAW Amending Chapter 282, Vehicles and Traffic of the Code of the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson to add new subsections limiting left turns onto and in the vicinity of James Street.
PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW H OF 2021 1. A LOCAL LAW Amending Various Sections of the Code of the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson to accurately reflect Penalty Language.
PUBLIC COMMENTS 1. Public comments will be heard via email at or through the ZOOM application. (Raise your hand feature) If joining by phone, push *9 to raise your hand and *6 to unmute yourself.
RESOLUTIONS - (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 120:21 – Adoption of Proposed Local Law G of 2021 Amending Chapter 282, Vehicles and Traffic 2. 121:21 – Adoption of Proposed Local Law H of 2021 Amending Various Sections of Village Code 3. 122:21 – Climate Emergency Declaration Resolution - (Resolution Forthcoming)
VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Restaurant Use of Parking Lots for Outdoor Seating 2. Updates on Various Village Projects and Operations
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Discussion on Amending Roof-top Solar Panel Provision of the Code 2. Discussion on Leaf Blowers 3. Discussion on MR-O Zone 4. Covid-19 Update 5. Upcoming Events
XIII. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Wed. Nov. 3 – Youth Council 7:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 2. Tues. Nov. 9 – Conservation Commission 8:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 3. Thurs. Nov. 11 – Village Offices Closed in Observance of Veterans Day a) Thursday’s Recycling will be on Wednesday 4. Tues. Nov. 16 – Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 7:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM XV. ADJOURNMENT
PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW G OF 2021 1. A LOCAL LAW Amending Chapter 282, Vehicles and Traffic of the Code of the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson to add new subsections limiting left turns onto and in the vicinity of James Street.
PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW H OF 2021 1. A LOCAL LAW Amending Various Sections of the Code of the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson to accurately reflect Penalty Language.
PUBLIC COMMENTS 1. Public comments will be heard via email at or through the ZOOM application. (Raise your hand feature) If joining by phone, push *9 to raise your hand and *6 to unmute yourself.
RESOLUTIONS - (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 120:21 – Adoption of Proposed Local Law G of 2021 Amending Chapter 282, Vehicles and Traffic 2. 121:21 – Adoption of Proposed Local Law H of 2021 Amending Various Sections of Village Code 3. 122:21 – Climate Emergency Declaration Resolution - (Resolution Forthcoming)
VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Restaurant Use of Parking Lots for Outdoor Seating 2. Updates on Various Village Projects and Operations
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Discussion on Amending Roof-top Solar Panel Provision of the Code 2. Discussion on Leaf Blowers 3. Discussion on MR-O Zone 4. Covid-19 Update 5. Upcoming Events
XIII. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Wed. Nov. 3 – Youth Council 7:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 2. Tues. Nov. 9 – Conservation Commission 8:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 3. Thurs. Nov. 11 – Village Offices Closed in Observance of Veterans Day a) Thursday’s Recycling will be on Wednesday 4. Tues. Nov. 16 – Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 7:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM XV. ADJOURNMENT