PRESENTATIONS The Honorable Jen Metzger - Senate Appointee, Cannabis Review Board and Former New York State Senator
Commissioner Norma Drummond, Westchester County Department of Planning - Hastingson- Hudson Census Results
APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Public Hearings and Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, November 2, 2021
RESOLUTIONS (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 123:21 - Negative Declaration - MR-O - Multi-Family Residence/Office Zoning District Zoning Text Amendments 2. 124:21 - Adoption of Proposed Local Law E of 2021 Amending Chapter 295 Zoning to amend provisions for the Multifamily Residence/Office (MR-O Zoning) District 3. 125:21 - Schedule Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law I of 2021 Amending Chapter 282, Vehicles and Traffic, to Update the List of Holidays 4. 126:21 - Schedule Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law J of 2021 Amending Chapter 282, Vehicles and Traffic, Immobilization of Vehicles, to Require Payment of Penalties 5. 127:21 - Finance - Budget Modification - Fire Department
VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Hazard Mitigation Plan 2. Quarterly Financial Report 3. Updates on Various Village Projects and Operations
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Cannabis Dispensaries and Consumption Discussion 2. Covid-19 Update 3. Upcoming Events
XII. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Thurs. Nov. 18 - Safety Council 5:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 2. Thurs. Nov. 18 - Planning Board 7:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 3. Mon. Nov. 22 - Senior Citizen Advisory Committee 5:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 4. Thurs. Nov. 25 - Village Offices Closed in Observance of Thanksgiving a. Thursday’s Recycling will be on Wednesday 5. Fri. Nov. 26 - Village Offices Closed in Observance of Thanksgiving 6. Tues. Dec. 7 - Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 7:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM XIII. ADJOURNMENT
PRESENTATIONS The Honorable Jen Metzger - Senate Appointee, Cannabis Review Board and Former New York State Senator
Commissioner Norma Drummond, Westchester County Department of Planning - Hastingson- Hudson Census Results
APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Public Hearings and Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, November 2, 2021
RESOLUTIONS (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 123:21 - Negative Declaration - MR-O - Multi-Family Residence/Office Zoning District Zoning Text Amendments 2. 124:21 - Adoption of Proposed Local Law E of 2021 Amending Chapter 295 Zoning to amend provisions for the Multifamily Residence/Office (MR-O Zoning) District 3. 125:21 - Schedule Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law I of 2021 Amending Chapter 282, Vehicles and Traffic, to Update the List of Holidays 4. 126:21 - Schedule Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law J of 2021 Amending Chapter 282, Vehicles and Traffic, Immobilization of Vehicles, to Require Payment of Penalties 5. 127:21 - Finance - Budget Modification - Fire Department
VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Hazard Mitigation Plan 2. Quarterly Financial Report 3. Updates on Various Village Projects and Operations
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Cannabis Dispensaries and Consumption Discussion 2. Covid-19 Update 3. Upcoming Events
XII. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Thurs. Nov. 18 - Safety Council 5:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 2. Thurs. Nov. 18 - Planning Board 7:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 3. Mon. Nov. 22 - Senior Citizen Advisory Committee 5:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM 4. Thurs. Nov. 25 - Village Offices Closed in Observance of Thanksgiving a. Thursday’s Recycling will be on Wednesday 5. Fri. Nov. 26 - Village Offices Closed in Observance of Thanksgiving 6. Tues. Dec. 7 - Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 7:00 PM Hosted via ZOOM XIII. ADJOURNMENT