Board of Trustees Joint Meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. DISCUSSION The Village Board of Trustees and Planning Board will review information submitted for the SEQRA review of the application of Electric Owl Holdings, LLC for the development of a multi-media production studio at 1 S. Broadway, also known as the Graham-Windham property
OLD PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. **Deferred to Future Meeting*** Subdivision and Steep Slopes Approval – Application of Richard & Joe Abirizk for the creation of two conforming lots for two proposed single-family dwellings on their property located at the corner lot of Warren Street & Pearl Street, pursuant to the provisions of Section 295-115 & 295-147 of the Village Code. Said property is in R-10 Zoning District and is also known as SBL: 4.110-121-1.1 on the Village Tax Maps. 2. Site Plan & Steep Slopes Approval – Application of the Riverview Manor Tennis Club for construction of a new exterior staircase & handrails at their Tennis Club located at 49 Euclid Avenue. Said property is in the R-10 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.40-27-7 on the Village Tax Maps.
NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. View Preservation Advisory - Application of Michael Wilner for a basement addition w/a deck above on his single-family dwelling located at 189 Warburton Avenue. Said property is located in the R-7.5 zoning district and is known as SBL: 4.130-138-11&12 on the Village Tax Maps.
DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. One-Year Extension on Previously-Approved Site Plan – Application of 15 Spring Street Realty, LLC, for the demolition of the existing building and construction of a new structure creating a mixed-use occupancy to include 10 parking spaces in the basement, 1 retail space and 1 dwelling unit on the first level, and 6 total dwelling units on the second & third levels at their commercial property located at 15 Spring Street. Said property is in the CC Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.30-22-34 on the Village Tax Maps.
Board of Trustees Joint Meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. DISCUSSION The Village Board of Trustees and Planning Board will review information submitted for the SEQRA review of the application of Electric Owl Holdings, LLC for the development of a multi-media production studio at 1 S. Broadway, also known as the Graham-Windham property
OLD PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. **Deferred to Future Meeting*** Subdivision and Steep Slopes Approval – Application of Richard & Joe Abirizk for the creation of two conforming lots for two proposed single-family dwellings on their property located at the corner lot of Warren Street & Pearl Street, pursuant to the provisions of Section 295-115 & 295-147 of the Village Code. Said property is in R-10 Zoning District and is also known as SBL: 4.110-121-1.1 on the Village Tax Maps. 2. Site Plan & Steep Slopes Approval – Application of the Riverview Manor Tennis Club for construction of a new exterior staircase & handrails at their Tennis Club located at 49 Euclid Avenue. Said property is in the R-10 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.40-27-7 on the Village Tax Maps.
NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. View Preservation Advisory - Application of Michael Wilner for a basement addition w/a deck above on his single-family dwelling located at 189 Warburton Avenue. Said property is located in the R-7.5 zoning district and is known as SBL: 4.130-138-11&12 on the Village Tax Maps.
DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. One-Year Extension on Previously-Approved Site Plan – Application of 15 Spring Street Realty, LLC, for the demolition of the existing building and construction of a new structure creating a mixed-use occupancy to include 10 parking spaces in the basement, 1 retail space and 1 dwelling unit on the first level, and 6 total dwelling units on the second & third levels at their commercial property located at 15 Spring Street. Said property is in the CC Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.30-22-34 on the Village Tax Maps.