UNVEILING OF VILLAGE JUSTICE PORTRAIT 1. Honoring the late Joseph A. DiSalvo, Village Justice 2004-2023
RESOLUTIONS (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 99:23 – Authorization to Purchase Plug-in Hybrid Chrysler Pacifica Mini-van for Use as Youth Advocate Safe Rides Vehicle 2. 100:23 – Authorization to Execute Agreement for a Federal Single Audit 3. 101:23 – Authorization to Execute Intermunicipal Agreement for Recycling “App” 4. 102:23 – Authorization to Execute First Amendment to MARS Licensing Intermunicipal Agreement 5. 103:23 – Authorization to Execute Intermunicipal Agreement with Westchester County Department of Corrections for Prisoner Transportation 6. 104:23 – Schedule Public Hearing on Amended Proposed Local Law B of 2023, A Local Law Amending Chapter 176 Landscapers, to Amend Provisions Relating to Leaf Blowers 7. 105:23 – Amendment to Parking Fees
VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Update on Route 9 Improvements Including TAP Grant Project 2. Food Scrap Study Grant Opportunity 3. Bicycle Parking at Zinsser Commuter Lot 4. Downtown Holiday Parking 5. Updates on Various Village Projects and Operations
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Comprehensive Plan/LWRP Open House Update 2. Route 9 Complete Streets Preliminary Engineering Plan Update 3. Hudson River Barges Discussion 4. Pro-Housing Communities Resolution Discussion 5. Upcoming Events
ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Thurs. Nov. 9 – Affordable Housing Committee Meeting, 7:30 PM, James Harmon Community Center 2. Thurs. Nov. 9 – Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting, 8:00 PM, James Harmon Community Center 3. Fri. Nov 10 - Veteran's Day Holiday. Village Offices Closed - DPW Closed and Meter Holiday a) Friday's Recycling - Commingles will be on Thursday, November 9 b) Thursday's Recycling - Paper will be on Wednesday, November 8 4. Tues. Nov. 14 – Conservation Commission Meeting, 8:00 PM, Village Hall Conference Room 5. Wed. Nov. 15 – Climate Smart Communities Task Force Meeting, 6:00 PM, Hosted via Zoom 6. Thurs. Nov. 16 – Safety Council Meeting, 7:00 PM, Village Hall Conference Room 7. Thurs. Nov. 16 – Planning Board Regular Meeting, 7:30 PM, Village Hall Meeting Room 8. Tues. Nov. 21 – Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, 7:00 PM, Village Hall Meeting Room ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Thurs. Nov. 9 – Affordable Housing Committee Meeting, 7:30 PM, James Harmon Community Center 2. Thurs. Nov. 9 – Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting, 8:00 PM, James Harmon Community Center 3. Fri. Nov 10 - Veteran's Day Holiday. Village Offices Closed - DPW Closed and Meter Holiday a) Friday's Recycling - Commingles will be on Thursday, November 9 b) Thursday's Recycling - Paper will be on Wednesday, November 8 4. Tues. Nov. 14 – Conservation Commission Meeting, 8:00 PM, Village Hall Conference Room 5. Wed. Nov. 15 – Climate Smart Communities Task Force Meeting, 6:00 PM, Hosted via Zoom 6. Thurs. Nov. 16 – Safety Council Meeting, 7:00 PM, Village Hall Conference Room 7. Thurs. Nov. 16 – Planning Board Regular Meeting, 7:30 PM, Village Hall Meeting Room 8. Tues. Nov. 21 – Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, 7:00 PM, Village Hall Meeting Room XII. ADJOURNMENT
UNVEILING OF VILLAGE JUSTICE PORTRAIT 1. Honoring the late Joseph A. DiSalvo, Village Justice 2004-2023
RESOLUTIONS (Click here for Resolutions Detail) 1. 99:23 – Authorization to Purchase Plug-in Hybrid Chrysler Pacifica Mini-van for Use as Youth Advocate Safe Rides Vehicle 2. 100:23 – Authorization to Execute Agreement for a Federal Single Audit 3. 101:23 – Authorization to Execute Intermunicipal Agreement for Recycling “App” 4. 102:23 – Authorization to Execute First Amendment to MARS Licensing Intermunicipal Agreement 5. 103:23 – Authorization to Execute Intermunicipal Agreement with Westchester County Department of Corrections for Prisoner Transportation 6. 104:23 – Schedule Public Hearing on Amended Proposed Local Law B of 2023, A Local Law Amending Chapter 176 Landscapers, to Amend Provisions Relating to Leaf Blowers 7. 105:23 – Amendment to Parking Fees
VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Update on Route 9 Improvements Including TAP Grant Project 2. Food Scrap Study Grant Opportunity 3. Bicycle Parking at Zinsser Commuter Lot 4. Downtown Holiday Parking 5. Updates on Various Village Projects and Operations
BOARD DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS 1. Comprehensive Plan/LWRP Open House Update 2. Route 9 Complete Streets Preliminary Engineering Plan Update 3. Hudson River Barges Discussion 4. Pro-Housing Communities Resolution Discussion 5. Upcoming Events
ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Thurs. Nov. 9 – Affordable Housing Committee Meeting, 7:30 PM, James Harmon Community Center 2. Thurs. Nov. 9 – Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting, 8:00 PM, James Harmon Community Center 3. Fri. Nov 10 - Veteran's Day Holiday. Village Offices Closed - DPW Closed and Meter Holiday a) Friday's Recycling - Commingles will be on Thursday, November 9 b) Thursday's Recycling - Paper will be on Wednesday, November 8 4. Tues. Nov. 14 – Conservation Commission Meeting, 8:00 PM, Village Hall Conference Room 5. Wed. Nov. 15 – Climate Smart Communities Task Force Meeting, 6:00 PM, Hosted via Zoom 6. Thurs. Nov. 16 – Safety Council Meeting, 7:00 PM, Village Hall Conference Room 7. Thurs. Nov. 16 – Planning Board Regular Meeting, 7:30 PM, Village Hall Meeting Room 8. Tues. Nov. 21 – Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, 7:00 PM, Village Hall Meeting Room ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Thurs. Nov. 9 – Affordable Housing Committee Meeting, 7:30 PM, James Harmon Community Center 2. Thurs. Nov. 9 – Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting, 8:00 PM, James Harmon Community Center 3. Fri. Nov 10 - Veteran's Day Holiday. Village Offices Closed - DPW Closed and Meter Holiday a) Friday's Recycling - Commingles will be on Thursday, November 9 b) Thursday's Recycling - Paper will be on Wednesday, November 8 4. Tues. Nov. 14 – Conservation Commission Meeting, 8:00 PM, Village Hall Conference Room 5. Wed. Nov. 15 – Climate Smart Communities Task Force Meeting, 6:00 PM, Hosted via Zoom 6. Thurs. Nov. 16 – Safety Council Meeting, 7:00 PM, Village Hall Conference Room 7. Thurs. Nov. 16 – Planning Board Regular Meeting, 7:30 PM, Village Hall Meeting Room 8. Tues. Nov. 21 – Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, 7:00 PM, Village Hall Meeting Room XII. ADJOURNMENT