NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. View Preservation Advisory and Site Plan Approval – Application of Arthur & Jessica Riolo for the construction of a second story rear addition and rear covered porch at their mixed-use dwelling at 36 Main Street. Said property is located in the CC Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-50-1 on the Village Tax Maps. 2. Accessory Apartment Approval – Application of Anthony Tarricone for approval to create a new Accessory Apartment at his single family dwelling at 11 Summit Street. Said property is located in the R-10 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.140-146-23 on the Village Tax Maps. Waivers required: (1) Square footage: Existing N/A; Proposed 33.5%; Max. allowed 25% – 8.5%; (2) Off-street parking: Existing 3 spaces (4 with one tandem); Required 4 (without tandem).
OLD PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. View Preservation and Site Plan Approval – Application of RTB Washington, LLC for the construction of 16 townhouses in three separate clusters, a café and pedestrian mews over a sub-grade parking garage at 9-17 Washington Avenue. Said property is located in the MR-C Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-48-37 & 38 on the Village Tax Maps
DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Hastings Affordable House Development Fund – Informal review and discussion of preliminary site plan for 69 Ravensdale Road (northeast corner of Kent Avenue and Ravensdale Road).
NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. View Preservation Advisory and Site Plan Approval – Application of Arthur & Jessica Riolo for the construction of a second story rear addition and rear covered porch at their mixed-use dwelling at 36 Main Street. Said property is located in the CC Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-50-1 on the Village Tax Maps. 2. Accessory Apartment Approval – Application of Anthony Tarricone for approval to create a new Accessory Apartment at his single family dwelling at 11 Summit Street. Said property is located in the R-10 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.140-146-23 on the Village Tax Maps. Waivers required: (1) Square footage: Existing N/A; Proposed 33.5%; Max. allowed 25% – 8.5%; (2) Off-street parking: Existing 3 spaces (4 with one tandem); Required 4 (without tandem).
OLD PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. View Preservation and Site Plan Approval – Application of RTB Washington, LLC for the construction of 16 townhouses in three separate clusters, a café and pedestrian mews over a sub-grade parking garage at 9-17 Washington Avenue. Said property is located in the MR-C Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-48-37 & 38 on the Village Tax Maps
DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Hastings Affordable House Development Fund – Informal review and discussion of preliminary site plan for 69 Ravensdale Road (northeast corner of Kent Avenue and Ravensdale Road).