Accessory Apartment Permit Renewal -- Application for Rosamond Janis -- 4 Floral Drive -- SBL 4.40-34-6. No waivers required.
Accessory Apartment Permit Renewal -- Application for Leah Rossner -- 115 Pinecrest Parkway -- SBL 4.100-95-40. Waiver required for parking.
Steep Slopes Approval -- Application of Adam & Kate Dretch for minor re-grading of portion of rear yard area to provide for flat usable grass area for family use at 15 Pleasant Avenue. Said property is in R-10 Zoning District and is also known as SBL: 4.40-28-2 on the Village Tax Maps.
Subdivision, Site Plan and Steep Slopes Approval -- Application of Ginsburg Development Companies, LLC, for 1) the subdivision of a 7.45 acre tract of land situated on the westerly side of Saw Mill River Road (State Route 9A) immediately south of the municipal boundary with the unincorporated area of the Town of Greenburgh, and approximately 0.3 miles south of the intersection of Lawrence Street and Saw Mill River Road, into a total of three lots; 2) site plan approval for the development of the three lots for a multi-family dwelling complex with a total of 66 dwelling united, 12 of which are proposed to be affordable units; and 3) steep slopes approval.
Subdivision, Site Plan and Steep Slopes Approval -- Application of Ginsburg Development Companies, LLC, for 1) the subdivision of a 7.45 acre tract of land situated on the westerly side of Saw Mill River Road (State Route 9A) immediately south of the municipal boundary with the unincorporated area of the Town of Greenburgh, and approximately 0.3 miles south of the intersection of Lawrence Street and Saw Mill River Road, into a total of three lots; 2) site plan approval for the development of the three lots for a multi-family dwelling complex with a total of 66 dwelling united, 12 of which are proposed to be affordable units; and 3) steep slopes approval.
Accessory Apartment Permit Renewal -- Application for Rosamond Janis -- 4 Floral Drive -- SBL 4.40-34-6. No waivers required.
Accessory Apartment Permit Renewal -- Application for Leah Rossner -- 115 Pinecrest Parkway -- SBL 4.100-95-40. Waiver required for parking.
Steep Slopes Approval -- Application of Adam & Kate Dretch for minor re-grading of portion of rear yard area to provide for flat usable grass area for family use at 15 Pleasant Avenue. Said property is in R-10 Zoning District and is also known as SBL: 4.40-28-2 on the Village Tax Maps.
Subdivision, Site Plan and Steep Slopes Approval -- Application of Ginsburg Development Companies, LLC, for 1) the subdivision of a 7.45 acre tract of land situated on the westerly side of Saw Mill River Road (State Route 9A) immediately south of the municipal boundary with the unincorporated area of the Town of Greenburgh, and approximately 0.3 miles south of the intersection of Lawrence Street and Saw Mill River Road, into a total of three lots; 2) site plan approval for the development of the three lots for a multi-family dwelling complex with a total of 66 dwelling united, 12 of which are proposed to be affordable units; and 3) steep slopes approval.
Subdivision, Site Plan and Steep Slopes Approval -- Application of Ginsburg Development Companies, LLC, for 1) the subdivision of a 7.45 acre tract of land situated on the westerly side of Saw Mill River Road (State Route 9A) immediately south of the municipal boundary with the unincorporated area of the Town of Greenburgh, and approximately 0.3 miles south of the intersection of Lawrence Street and Saw Mill River Road, into a total of three lots; 2) site plan approval for the development of the three lots for a multi-family dwelling complex with a total of 66 dwelling united, 12 of which are proposed to be affordable units; and 3) steep slopes approval.