NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS Accessory Apartment Permit Renewal – Application of Linda Osborn – 17 Villard Avenue – SBL: 4.40-27-44 on the Village Tax Maps. No waivers required.
Site Plan and Steep Slopes Approval – Application of Ben Diep for low retaining walls in the rear of the property at their mixed-use dwelling at 385 Warburton Avenue. Said property is located in the MR-O Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.100-93-13 on the Village Tax Maps.
Steep Slopes Approval – Application of Michael Curtis & Nancy DeNatale for the creation of a patio, stairs and retaining walls in front of their two-family dwelling at 328 Warburton Avenue. Said property is located in the R-7.5 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.100-96-4 on the Village Tax Maps.
5. OLD PUBLIC HEARINGS View Preservation and Site Plan Approval – Application of RTB Washington, LLC for the construction of 16 townhouses in three separate clusters, a café and pedestrian mews over a sub-grade parking garage at 9-17 Washington Avenue. Said property is located in the MR-C Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-48-37 & 38 on the Village Tax Maps. VI. OLD BUSINESS - None VII. DISCUSSION ITEMS - None IIX. ANNOUNCEMENTS Next Meeting Date – October 15, 2015 IX. ADJOURNMENT
NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS Accessory Apartment Permit Renewal – Application of Linda Osborn – 17 Villard Avenue – SBL: 4.40-27-44 on the Village Tax Maps. No waivers required.
Site Plan and Steep Slopes Approval – Application of Ben Diep for low retaining walls in the rear of the property at their mixed-use dwelling at 385 Warburton Avenue. Said property is located in the MR-O Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.100-93-13 on the Village Tax Maps.
Steep Slopes Approval – Application of Michael Curtis & Nancy DeNatale for the creation of a patio, stairs and retaining walls in front of their two-family dwelling at 328 Warburton Avenue. Said property is located in the R-7.5 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.100-96-4 on the Village Tax Maps.
5. OLD PUBLIC HEARINGS View Preservation and Site Plan Approval – Application of RTB Washington, LLC for the construction of 16 townhouses in three separate clusters, a café and pedestrian mews over a sub-grade parking garage at 9-17 Washington Avenue. Said property is located in the MR-C Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-48-37 & 38 on the Village Tax Maps. VI. OLD BUSINESS - None VII. DISCUSSION ITEMS - None IIX. ANNOUNCEMENTS Next Meeting Date – October 15, 2015 IX. ADJOURNMENT