Arthur & Jessica Riolo 36 Main Street For the View Preservation approval as required under Section 295-82 of the Village Code, for the construction of a rear bay window and rear covered porch at their mixed-use dwelling at 36 Main Street. Said property is located in the CC Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-50-1 on the Village Tax Maps.
CCI Properties Inc. 32-34 Washington Avenue Relief from the strict application of Village Code Sections 295-18.B, 295-72.E.2, 295-20.C & 295-41.A&B, for the construction of an additional building containing 5 townhouse units on their property at 32-34 Washington Avenue. Said property in MR-1.5 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-53.11 on the Village Tax Maps. Variances sought are as follows: 1. Different uses on a single lot: Existing use - two-family; Proposed use - 2 two-families and 1 threefamilydwelling units; Permitted - one use {295-1 8.B}; Variance required for one additional use. 2. Lot coverage: Existing - 12%; Proposed- 39.8%; Maximum Permitted - 15% {295-72.E.(2)}; Variance required - 24.8% coverage. 3. Paving and structures in required yards: Proposed - parking spaces for existing structure in the required yard {295-20.C}; Variance required - four parking spaces in the required yard. 4. Maximum width of curb cuts: Existing - one curb cut 10' wide; Proposed - two curb cuts 26' wide total;Maximum permitted - two curb cuts 24' wide total {295-4l.B}; Variance required - 2' over allowable curb cut. 5. Maximum driveway area: Existing - 1090 sq.ft.; Proposed - 1690 sq.ft.; Maximum permitted - 960 sq.ft. {295-41.A}; Variance required - 730 sq.ft.
Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting, December 10, 2016 Regular Meeting, January 28, 2016
Arthur & Jessica Riolo 36 Main Street For the View Preservation approval as required under Section 295-82 of the Village Code, for the construction of a rear bay window and rear covered porch at their mixed-use dwelling at 36 Main Street. Said property is located in the CC Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-50-1 on the Village Tax Maps.
CCI Properties Inc. 32-34 Washington Avenue Relief from the strict application of Village Code Sections 295-18.B, 295-72.E.2, 295-20.C & 295-41.A&B, for the construction of an additional building containing 5 townhouse units on their property at 32-34 Washington Avenue. Said property in MR-1.5 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-53.11 on the Village Tax Maps. Variances sought are as follows: 1. Different uses on a single lot: Existing use - two-family; Proposed use - 2 two-families and 1 threefamilydwelling units; Permitted - one use {295-1 8.B}; Variance required for one additional use. 2. Lot coverage: Existing - 12%; Proposed- 39.8%; Maximum Permitted - 15% {295-72.E.(2)}; Variance required - 24.8% coverage. 3. Paving and structures in required yards: Proposed - parking spaces for existing structure in the required yard {295-20.C}; Variance required - four parking spaces in the required yard. 4. Maximum width of curb cuts: Existing - one curb cut 10' wide; Proposed - two curb cuts 26' wide total;Maximum permitted - two curb cuts 24' wide total {295-4l.B}; Variance required - 2' over allowable curb cut. 5. Maximum driveway area: Existing - 1090 sq.ft.; Proposed - 1690 sq.ft.; Maximum permitted - 960 sq.ft. {295-41.A}; Variance required - 730 sq.ft.
Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting, December 10, 2016 Regular Meeting, January 28, 2016