A Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals will be held on Thursday, October 28,2021 at 7:00 P.M. via ZOOM Webinar. The meeting will be broadcast live on WHOH-TV 75 or FIOS 43 and http://whoh-tv.org.
River Road. LLC (Harvest on Hudson) 100 River Street For the View Preservation Approval, as required under Section 295-82 of the Village Code, for the application of River Road, LLC, for the creation of a new green house and exterior renovation at their property located at 100 River Street. Said property is located in the MW Zoning District and is known as SBL:4.30-19-4 on the Village Tax Maps.
Libby Copeland & Danylo Berko 141 Farragut Avenue For relief from the strict application of the Village Code Sections 295-69-F.1(d)[1]a w/ 295-55A, 295-69F.2(a)[2] & 295-69G for the application of Libby Copeland and Danylo Berko for a rear addition and front & rear dormers at their single-family dwelling located at 141 Farragut Avenue. Said property is located in the R-7.5 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.80-71-37 on the Village Tax Maps. Non-conformity details are as follows: 1. Dormer wall height: Existing - 26 ft.; Proposed - 26 ft.; Required - 23 ft. {295-69F1 (d) [1}a}; Variance Required - 3 ft. W/295-55A Extension of an Existing Non-Conformity 2. Development Coverage: Existing - 43.45%; Proposed - 44.08%; Required - 40% max {295-69F.2(a)[2]}; Variance Required - 4.08% 3. FAR: Existing - .389; Proposed - .452; Required - .395 {295-69G}; Variance Required -.057
Jeremy & Samantha Wertheim 62 Circle Drive Relief from the strict application of the Village Code Section 295-68F.1 (a) W/295-20D.2 for the application of Jeremy and Samantha Wertheim for a front porch addition at their single-family dwelling located at 62 Circle Drive. Said property is located in the R-10 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.40-43-10 on the Village Tax Maps. Non-conformity details are as follows: 1. Front Yard Setback: Existing - 13.9 ft.; Proposed - 11.0 ft.; Required - 30 ft. max {295-68F.1.a W/295.20D.2}; Variance Required - 19 ft. W/295-20D.2 Uniformity of Alignment
Approval of Minutes & Announcements
Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting - July 22, 2021 Regular Meeting - September 2, 2021 Announcements Next Meeting Date - December 2, 2021
A Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals will be held on Thursday, October 28,2021 at 7:00 P.M. via ZOOM Webinar. The meeting will be broadcast live on WHOH-TV 75 or FIOS 43 and http://whoh-tv.org.
River Road. LLC (Harvest on Hudson) 100 River Street For the View Preservation Approval, as required under Section 295-82 of the Village Code, for the application of River Road, LLC, for the creation of a new green house and exterior renovation at their property located at 100 River Street. Said property is located in the MW Zoning District and is known as SBL:4.30-19-4 on the Village Tax Maps.
Libby Copeland & Danylo Berko 141 Farragut Avenue For relief from the strict application of the Village Code Sections 295-69-F.1(d)[1]a w/ 295-55A, 295-69F.2(a)[2] & 295-69G for the application of Libby Copeland and Danylo Berko for a rear addition and front & rear dormers at their single-family dwelling located at 141 Farragut Avenue. Said property is located in the R-7.5 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.80-71-37 on the Village Tax Maps. Non-conformity details are as follows: 1. Dormer wall height: Existing - 26 ft.; Proposed - 26 ft.; Required - 23 ft. {295-69F1 (d) [1}a}; Variance Required - 3 ft. W/295-55A Extension of an Existing Non-Conformity 2. Development Coverage: Existing - 43.45%; Proposed - 44.08%; Required - 40% max {295-69F.2(a)[2]}; Variance Required - 4.08% 3. FAR: Existing - .389; Proposed - .452; Required - .395 {295-69G}; Variance Required -.057
Jeremy & Samantha Wertheim 62 Circle Drive Relief from the strict application of the Village Code Section 295-68F.1 (a) W/295-20D.2 for the application of Jeremy and Samantha Wertheim for a front porch addition at their single-family dwelling located at 62 Circle Drive. Said property is located in the R-10 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.40-43-10 on the Village Tax Maps. Non-conformity details are as follows: 1. Front Yard Setback: Existing - 13.9 ft.; Proposed - 11.0 ft.; Required - 30 ft. max {295-68F.1.a W/295.20D.2}; Variance Required - 19 ft. W/295-20D.2 Uniformity of Alignment
Approval of Minutes & Announcements
Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting - July 22, 2021 Regular Meeting - September 2, 2021 Announcements Next Meeting Date - December 2, 2021