Matthew Gordon 51 Warren Street Application for the extension of variances granted by ZBA on December 13, 2012 Application was originally reviewed at ZBA’s October 2013 meeting. At this meeting, the applicant was asked to come back with some modifications to the plans to reduce the extent and nature of variances. After review of the revised and modified plans the following variances were sought and granted: 1. Front Yard Variance for the two story addition: Proposed and approved – 22.4 ft.; Required Minimum – 30 ft. {295-68F.1(a)}. 2. Setback for the pool for the side property line: Proposed and approved – 11.5 ft.; Required Minimum 20 ft. with a condition that appropriate lattice work or similar surrounds will be provided on the lower portion, on the exterior of the pool deck {295-52A}. 3. Side setback for the open deck: Proposed and approved – 8 ft. Required Minimum – 9.5 ft. {295-20.B.(6)}.
Case No. 26-13 524 Warburton Corp (Tony’s Restaurant) 524 Warburton Avenue Relief from the strict application of Section 295-76.E.(2) for the previously-constructed additions and alterations to an existing multi-use building at 524 Warburton Avenue. The variance sought is as follows: 1. Rear Yard: Existing/Proposed – 0 ft.; Required Minimum – 10 ft. at ground floor and 20 ft. above the ground floor {295-76.E.(2)} The property is in the View Preservation District. However, it is determined that subject additions and alterations do not have any impact on the views of the Palisades or of the Hudson River and, as such, is exempt from reviews and approvals with regards to the View Preservation as required under Section 295-82.
Case No. 01-14 Brett Humphreys & Samantha Merton 76 Scenic Drive An interpretation that is favorable to the applicant’s interpretation with regards to permitted accessory uses as described in section 295-67C(2) or relief from the strict application of this code section for the alterations to an existing accessory garage for use as a spa with a wood burning stove, etc. as indicated/delineated in the application.
Case No. 02-14 Olga & Michael Snowden 15 High Street Relief from the strict application of Sections 295-70.E.(1)(a) & (c) for the replacement of an existing single family dwelling with a new one. The variances sought are as follows: 1.Front Yard: Existing – 3.58 ft.; Proposed – 20 ft.; Required Minimum for a Single Family Dwelling – 25 ft. {295-70.E.(1)(a)} 2.Side Yards: Minimum on One Side/Both Sides: Existing – 1.5 ft./5 ft.; Proposed – 3 ft./7 ft.; Required Minimum – 8 ft./20 ft. {295-70.E.(1)(c)}
Case No. 01-14 Brett Humphreys & Samantha Merton 76 Scenic Drive An interpretation that is favorable to the applicant’s interpretation with regards to permitted accessory uses as described in section 295-67C(2) or relief from the strict application of this code section for the alterations to an existing accessory garage for use as a spa with a wood burning stove, etc. as indicated/delineated in the application.
Matthew Gordon 51 Warren Street Application for the extension of variances granted by ZBA on December 13, 2012 Application was originally reviewed at ZBA’s October 2013 meeting. At this meeting, the applicant was asked to come back with some modifications to the plans to reduce the extent and nature of variances. After review of the revised and modified plans the following variances were sought and granted: 1. Front Yard Variance for the two story addition: Proposed and approved – 22.4 ft.; Required Minimum – 30 ft. {295-68F.1(a)}. 2. Setback for the pool for the side property line: Proposed and approved – 11.5 ft.; Required Minimum 20 ft. with a condition that appropriate lattice work or similar surrounds will be provided on the lower portion, on the exterior of the pool deck {295-52A}. 3. Side setback for the open deck: Proposed and approved – 8 ft. Required Minimum – 9.5 ft. {295-20.B.(6)}.
Case No. 26-13 524 Warburton Corp (Tony’s Restaurant) 524 Warburton Avenue Relief from the strict application of Section 295-76.E.(2) for the previously-constructed additions and alterations to an existing multi-use building at 524 Warburton Avenue. The variance sought is as follows: 1. Rear Yard: Existing/Proposed – 0 ft.; Required Minimum – 10 ft. at ground floor and 20 ft. above the ground floor {295-76.E.(2)} The property is in the View Preservation District. However, it is determined that subject additions and alterations do not have any impact on the views of the Palisades or of the Hudson River and, as such, is exempt from reviews and approvals with regards to the View Preservation as required under Section 295-82.
Case No. 01-14 Brett Humphreys & Samantha Merton 76 Scenic Drive An interpretation that is favorable to the applicant’s interpretation with regards to permitted accessory uses as described in section 295-67C(2) or relief from the strict application of this code section for the alterations to an existing accessory garage for use as a spa with a wood burning stove, etc. as indicated/delineated in the application.
Case No. 02-14 Olga & Michael Snowden 15 High Street Relief from the strict application of Sections 295-70.E.(1)(a) & (c) for the replacement of an existing single family dwelling with a new one. The variances sought are as follows: 1.Front Yard: Existing – 3.58 ft.; Proposed – 20 ft.; Required Minimum for a Single Family Dwelling – 25 ft. {295-70.E.(1)(a)} 2.Side Yards: Minimum on One Side/Both Sides: Existing – 1.5 ft./5 ft.; Proposed – 3 ft./7 ft.; Required Minimum – 8 ft./20 ft. {295-70.E.(1)(c)}
Case No. 01-14 Brett Humphreys & Samantha Merton 76 Scenic Drive An interpretation that is favorable to the applicant’s interpretation with regards to permitted accessory uses as described in section 295-67C(2) or relief from the strict application of this code section for the alterations to an existing accessory garage for use as a spa with a wood burning stove, etc. as indicated/delineated in the application.