Case No. 06-14 Dr. Oxana Popescu 60 Columbia Avenue Relief from the strict application of Section 295-69.F.(1).(b) & (c) of the Village Code for the construction of a new garage on the footprint of an existing dilapidated, non-conforming garage at 60 Columbia Avenue. Variances sought are as follows: 1. Side Yard for an Accessory Structure: Existing and proposed – 2.67 Ft. Required Min. – 8 Ft. {295-69.F.(1).(b)} 2. Rear Yard for an Accessory Structure: Existing and proposed – 3.3 Ft. Required Min. – 8 Ft. {295-69.F.(1).(c)}
Case No. 07-14 Desmond & Bridget Clarke 41 Branford Road Relief from the strict application of Sections 295-20.F and 295-68.F.(1).(a) of the Village Code for the previously added second story on an existing single story home on a corner lot at 41 Branford Road. Variance is sought for the yard setback on Fenway: 1. Existing First Floor – 16.4 Ft.; Proposed/Built Second Story Addition – 20 ft.; Required – 30 ft.; {Sections 295-20.F and 295-68.F.(1).(a)}
Case No. 06-14 Dr. Oxana Popescu 60 Columbia Avenue Relief from the strict application of Section 295-69.F.(1).(b) & (c) of the Village Code for the construction of a new garage on the footprint of an existing dilapidated, non-conforming garage at 60 Columbia Avenue. Variances sought are as follows: 1. Side Yard for an Accessory Structure: Existing and proposed – 2.67 Ft. Required Min. – 8 Ft. {295-69.F.(1).(b)} 2. Rear Yard for an Accessory Structure: Existing and proposed – 3.3 Ft. Required Min. – 8 Ft. {295-69.F.(1).(c)}
Case No. 07-14 Desmond & Bridget Clarke 41 Branford Road Relief from the strict application of Sections 295-20.F and 295-68.F.(1).(a) of the Village Code for the previously added second story on an existing single story home on a corner lot at 41 Branford Road. Variance is sought for the yard setback on Fenway: 1. Existing First Floor – 16.4 Ft.; Proposed/Built Second Story Addition – 20 ft.; Required – 30 ft.; {Sections 295-20.F and 295-68.F.(1).(a)}