Nichole Davis & Michael Didovic 12 Marble Terrace View Preservation approval as required under section 295-82 and relief from the strict application of code sections 295-55.A and 295-72.E.(1)(b) of the Village Code for the addition and alterations to their multi-family dwelling at 12 Marble Terrace. Said property is located in the MR-1.5 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-57-4 on the Village Tax Maps. Variance is sought for the extension of an Existing Non-conformity: 1. Rear Yard: Existing and Proposed for the addition – approx.11.5 ft.; Required min. - 30 ft. {295-55.A. and 295-72.E.(1)(b)}
Soon Ja Kim 189 Warburton Avenue View Preservation approval as required under section 295-82 and relief from the strict application of code sections 295-55.A, and 295-68.F.(1)(a) of the Village Code for the addition of a Portico on her single-family dwelling at 189 Warburton Avenue. Said property is located in the R-10 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.130-138-11 on the Village Tax Maps. Variance is sought for the extension of an Existing Non-conformity: 1. Front Yard: Existing – approx.27.78 ft.; Proposed for the addition – approx. 16.38 ft.; Required min. - 30 ft. {295-55.A. and 295-68.F.(1)(a)}
Nichole Davis & Michael Didovic 12 Marble Terrace View Preservation approval as required under section 295-82 and relief from the strict application of code sections 295-55.A and 295-72.E.(1)(b) of the Village Code for the addition and alterations to their multi-family dwelling at 12 Marble Terrace. Said property is located in the MR-1.5 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-57-4 on the Village Tax Maps. Variance is sought for the extension of an Existing Non-conformity: 1. Rear Yard: Existing and Proposed for the addition – approx.11.5 ft.; Required min. - 30 ft. {295-55.A. and 295-72.E.(1)(b)}
Soon Ja Kim 189 Warburton Avenue View Preservation approval as required under section 295-82 and relief from the strict application of code sections 295-55.A, and 295-68.F.(1)(a) of the Village Code for the addition of a Portico on her single-family dwelling at 189 Warburton Avenue. Said property is located in the R-10 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.130-138-11 on the Village Tax Maps. Variance is sought for the extension of an Existing Non-conformity: 1. Front Yard: Existing – approx.27.78 ft.; Proposed for the addition – approx. 16.38 ft.; Required min. - 30 ft. {295-55.A. and 295-68.F.(1)(a)}