CCI Properties LLC 32-34 Washington Avenue View Preservation approval as required under Section 295-82 and relief from the strict application of Sections 295-72.E(2), 295-30.A and 295-41.B of the Village Code for the construction of an additional 5 unit townhouse on their property at 32-34 Washington Avenue. Said property is located in the MR-1.5 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-53-11 on the Village Tax Maps. Variances sought are as follows: 1.Lot coverage: Existing – 12%; Proposed – 37.8%; Required Max. - 15% {295-72.E.(2)} – variance required 22.8% 2.Parking setback for two family: Proposed – 4 ft.; Required Min. - 5 ft. {295-30.A.} – variance required 1 ft. 3.Maximum curb cut: Proposed 2@ 43 ft. total: Required Max. – 2@ 24 ft. total {295-41.B.} – variance required 19 ft.
Michael Fuller 25 Circle Drive Relief from the strict application of the Village code Sections 295-68.F.1.a, 295-20.F and 295-55.A, for alterations and additions to their single family dwelling at 25 Circle Drive. Said property is in R-10 Zoning District and is also known as SBL: 4.40-41-10 on the Village tax Maps. Variance sought is as follows: 1.Extension of nonconformity for second story addition in side yard on a corner lot: Existing – 4.4 ft.; Proposed - 4.4 ft.; Required Min. - 30 ft. {295-68.F(1)(a), 295-55.A and 295-20.F.} – variance required 25.6 ft.
CCI Properties LLC 32-34 Washington Avenue View Preservation approval as required under Section 295-82 and relief from the strict application of Sections 295-72.E(2), 295-30.A and 295-41.B of the Village Code for the construction of an additional 5 unit townhouse on their property at 32-34 Washington Avenue. Said property is located in the MR-1.5 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-53-11 on the Village Tax Maps. Variances sought are as follows: 1.Lot coverage: Existing – 12%; Proposed – 37.8%; Required Max. - 15% {295-72.E.(2)} – variance required 22.8% 2.Parking setback for two family: Proposed – 4 ft.; Required Min. - 5 ft. {295-30.A.} – variance required 1 ft. 3.Maximum curb cut: Proposed 2@ 43 ft. total: Required Max. – 2@ 24 ft. total {295-41.B.} – variance required 19 ft.
Michael Fuller 25 Circle Drive Relief from the strict application of the Village code Sections 295-68.F.1.a, 295-20.F and 295-55.A, for alterations and additions to their single family dwelling at 25 Circle Drive. Said property is in R-10 Zoning District and is also known as SBL: 4.40-41-10 on the Village tax Maps. Variance sought is as follows: 1.Extension of nonconformity for second story addition in side yard on a corner lot: Existing – 4.4 ft.; Proposed - 4.4 ft.; Required Min. - 30 ft. {295-68.F(1)(a), 295-55.A and 295-20.F.} – variance required 25.6 ft.