Michael Fuller 25 Circle Drive (Click here to view Application) Relief from the strict application of the Village code Sections 295-68.F.1.c, 295-20.F and 295-55.A, for alterations and an addition to their single family dwelling at 25 Circle Drive. Said property is in R-10 Zoning District and is also known as SBL: 4.40-41-10 on the Village Tax Maps. Variance is sought for the extension of an Existing Non-conformity: Extension of nonconformity for second story addition in side yard on a corner lot: Existing – 16 ft.; Proposed - 16ft.; Required Min. - 30 ft. {295-68.F(1)(c), 295-55.A and 295-20.F.} – variance required 14 ft.
Norma Balter & Thomas Lopez 524 Farragut Parkway (Click here to View Application) Relief from the strict application of the Village code Sections 295-36.A and 295-67.C(1) for required parking for a home office at their single family dwelling at 524 Farragut Parkway. Said property is located in the R-7.5 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.110-117-5 on the Village Tax Maps. Variance is sought for the reduction of required parking: Two (2) practitioners plus the single family dwelling – 4 spaces proposed; Required – 8 spaces, (6 spaces for the 2 practitioners plus 2 spaces for the dwelling) {295-36.A} - variance for 4 parking spaces is being requested.
Michael Fuller 25 Circle Drive (Click here to view Application) Relief from the strict application of the Village code Sections 295-68.F.1.c, 295-20.F and 295-55.A, for alterations and an addition to their single family dwelling at 25 Circle Drive. Said property is in R-10 Zoning District and is also known as SBL: 4.40-41-10 on the Village Tax Maps. Variance is sought for the extension of an Existing Non-conformity: Extension of nonconformity for second story addition in side yard on a corner lot: Existing – 16 ft.; Proposed - 16ft.; Required Min. - 30 ft. {295-68.F(1)(c), 295-55.A and 295-20.F.} – variance required 14 ft.
Norma Balter & Thomas Lopez 524 Farragut Parkway (Click here to View Application) Relief from the strict application of the Village code Sections 295-36.A and 295-67.C(1) for required parking for a home office at their single family dwelling at 524 Farragut Parkway. Said property is located in the R-7.5 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.110-117-5 on the Village Tax Maps. Variance is sought for the reduction of required parking: Two (2) practitioners plus the single family dwelling – 4 spaces proposed; Required – 8 spaces, (6 spaces for the 2 practitioners plus 2 spaces for the dwelling) {295-36.A} - variance for 4 parking spaces is being requested.