Case No. 08-15 Gregory Jones 88 Southgate Avenue Relief from the strict application of the Village code Section 295-68F.1.a, for construction of a new covered front entrance, at their home at 88 Southgate Avenue. Said property is in R-10 Zoning District and is also known as SBL: 4.90-88-1 on the Village Tax Maps. Non-conformity details of the proposed covered front entrance are as follows: Front Yard: Existing and Proposed - Existing - 23.8 ft. - Proposed - 23 ft.; Required Min. - 30 ft. {295 - 68F.1.a.} - Variance Required - 7 ft.
Case No. 08-15 Gregory Jones 88 Southgate Avenue Relief from the strict application of the Village code Section 295-68F.1.a, for construction of a new covered front entrance, at their home at 88 Southgate Avenue. Said property is in R-10 Zoning District and is also known as SBL: 4.90-88-1 on the Village Tax Maps. Non-conformity details of the proposed covered front entrance are as follows: Front Yard: Existing and Proposed - Existing - 23.8 ft. - Proposed - 23 ft.; Required Min. - 30 ft. {295 - 68F.1.a.} - Variance Required - 7 ft.