Don & Barbara Erwin-McGuire 450 Washington Avenue For View Preservation approval, as required under Section 295-82 for the erection of front and rear additions on their single-family dwelling, located at 450 Warburton Avenue. Said property is located in the MR-O Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-54-4 on the Village Tax Maps.
Katharine & Theodore Herman 96 Euclid Avenue Relief from the strict application of the Village Code Sections 295-68F.2.a.2 & 295-20(6) for the documentation of an existing open rear deck at their single-family home located at 96 Euclid Avenue. Said property is in R-10 Zoning District and is also known as SBL: 4.20-12-18 on the Village Tax Maps. Variances are sought for Side Yard and Developmental Coverage non-conformity for the documentation of an existing uncovered rear open deck. Documentation of a non-conformity side yard projection: Existing & Proposed – 5.75 ft. from property line; Required Max. – 6 ft. into required yard, 6 ft. from the property line or half the distance of the setback to the property line, whichever is least {295-20(6)}; Variance required – .25 ft. Documentation of a non-conformity with respect to Developmental Coverage: Existing & Proposed – 45.2%; Required Max. – 35 % [295-6j8F.2.a.2] Variance required – 10.2%.
Don & Barbara Erwin-McGuire 450 Washington Avenue For View Preservation approval, as required under Section 295-82 for the erection of front and rear additions on their single-family dwelling, located at 450 Warburton Avenue. Said property is located in the MR-O Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-54-4 on the Village Tax Maps.
Don & Barbara Erwin-McGuire 450 Washington Avenue For View Preservation approval, as required under Section 295-82 for the erection of front and rear additions on their single-family dwelling, located at 450 Warburton Avenue. Said property is located in the MR-O Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-54-4 on the Village Tax Maps.
Katharine & Theodore Herman 96 Euclid Avenue Relief from the strict application of the Village Code Sections 295-68F.2.a.2 & 295-20(6) for the documentation of an existing open rear deck at their single-family home located at 96 Euclid Avenue. Said property is in R-10 Zoning District and is also known as SBL: 4.20-12-18 on the Village Tax Maps. Variances are sought for Side Yard and Developmental Coverage non-conformity for the documentation of an existing uncovered rear open deck. Documentation of a non-conformity side yard projection: Existing & Proposed – 5.75 ft. from property line; Required Max. – 6 ft. into required yard, 6 ft. from the property line or half the distance of the setback to the property line, whichever is least {295-20(6)}; Variance required – .25 ft. Documentation of a non-conformity with respect to Developmental Coverage: Existing & Proposed – 45.2%; Required Max. – 35 % [295-6j8F.2.a.2] Variance required – 10.2%.
Don & Barbara Erwin-McGuire 450 Washington Avenue For View Preservation approval, as required under Section 295-82 for the erection of front and rear additions on their single-family dwelling, located at 450 Warburton Avenue. Said property is located in the MR-O Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.70-54-4 on the Village Tax Maps.