A Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals will be held on Thursday, September 2, at 7:00 P.M., in the Meeting Room, Municipal Building, 7 Maple Avenue, Hastings-on-Hudson, New York.
Niles Jaeger 67 Hillside Avenue For relief from the strict application of the Village Code Sections 295-69F.2(a)(2) & 295-20C(2), 20B(6) , Reconstruction of a rear deck and construction of a new rear patio at their single family dwelling located at 67 Hillside Avenue. Said property is located in the R-7.5 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.80-62--21 on the Village tax maps. Non-conformity details are as follows: 1. Development Coverage: Existing - 38.1%; Proposed – 41.6%; Required 40% max {295- 69F.2(a)(2)} Variance required 1.6% 2. Paving in a required yard; Existing NA; Proposed – 18 sq. ft.; Required – None {295- 20C.2} Variance required 18 sq. ft. 3. Deck not closer than 6’ from property line; Existing & Proposed - .25’; Required Max – 6’ {295-20B(6)} Variance required 5.75’
Case No. 20-21 & Announcements
Eugene & Helen Calamari 6 Cedar Street For relief from the strict application of the Village Code Section 295-69F.1(a&c) with 295-55A, for creation of shed dormers on their single family dwelling, located at 6 Cedar Street. Said property is in R-7.5 Zoning District and is also known as SBL: 4.140-147-23 on the Village Tax Maps. Non-Conformity details are as follows; 1. Front yard setback: Existing to structure – 15.6’; Proposed to dormers – 24.6 ft.; Required Minimum - 25 ft. {295-69F.1(a)} - Variance required .4ft. 2. Extension of nonconformity in relation to the side yard setback: Existing & Proposed - 7.2ft; Required Minimun one side - 8ft. {295-69F.1(c) w/295-55. A} - Variance required .8ft. Announcements Next Meeting Date - October 28, 2021
A Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals will be held on Thursday, September 2, at 7:00 P.M., in the Meeting Room, Municipal Building, 7 Maple Avenue, Hastings-on-Hudson, New York.
Niles Jaeger 67 Hillside Avenue For relief from the strict application of the Village Code Sections 295-69F.2(a)(2) & 295-20C(2), 20B(6) , Reconstruction of a rear deck and construction of a new rear patio at their single family dwelling located at 67 Hillside Avenue. Said property is located in the R-7.5 Zoning District and is known as SBL: 4.80-62--21 on the Village tax maps. Non-conformity details are as follows: 1. Development Coverage: Existing - 38.1%; Proposed – 41.6%; Required 40% max {295- 69F.2(a)(2)} Variance required 1.6% 2. Paving in a required yard; Existing NA; Proposed – 18 sq. ft.; Required – None {295- 20C.2} Variance required 18 sq. ft. 3. Deck not closer than 6’ from property line; Existing & Proposed - .25’; Required Max – 6’ {295-20B(6)} Variance required 5.75’
Case No. 20-21 & Announcements
Eugene & Helen Calamari 6 Cedar Street For relief from the strict application of the Village Code Section 295-69F.1(a&c) with 295-55A, for creation of shed dormers on their single family dwelling, located at 6 Cedar Street. Said property is in R-7.5 Zoning District and is also known as SBL: 4.140-147-23 on the Village Tax Maps. Non-Conformity details are as follows; 1. Front yard setback: Existing to structure – 15.6’; Proposed to dormers – 24.6 ft.; Required Minimum - 25 ft. {295-69F.1(a)} - Variance required .4ft. 2. Extension of nonconformity in relation to the side yard setback: Existing & Proposed - 7.2ft; Required Minimun one side - 8ft. {295-69F.1(c) w/295-55. A} - Variance required .8ft. Announcements Next Meeting Date - October 28, 2021